Jayan Chrishmal's profile

Burning calories should be as fun as eating them.

Open Brief
Set by: Department of Health
In collaboration with: Dare
Burning calories should be as fun as eating them.
Creative challenge
The issue of weight gain is a global problem. For example, almost half of the people in the UK are either overweight or obese. This is because our lifestyles have changed: we used to hunt and farm, work in tough manual jobs and play outside. Now we sit at desks or in front of the TV, increasingly craving fats and sugars but not necessarily burning them off.
Your task is to create a campaign that is less about preaching the nutritional value of particular foods but instead focuses on motivating children and adults to take part in regular physical activity. The target is to get kids exercising for 60 minutes a day and adults for 150 minutes a week.
Your idea will need to change behaviour. It will need to get people excited about exercising.

The task was to create a campaign which is focused on motivating the selected target citizens to take part
in regular physical activity. The ultimate goal was to get adults exercising for 22 minutes a day and kids for
60 minutes a day. Generally due to busy lifestyles, lack of interests and for other various reasons people do
not get to exercise on a regular basis. Doing exercises is so vital because it helps you to maintain a healthy
lifestyle. For this brief a solid “Idea” was required to change behavior and to get people excited about

When I was doing research on the subject of exercising I found out that our Body Mass Index can be calculated easily through a simple equation. Also there were some websites which automatically calculates individual BMI’s when accurate data is provided. The important factor of knowing your BMI is that it shows you whether you are healthy weight for your height. Being thin doesn’t necessarily prove that you are healthy. Maintaining
a healthy weight decreases the risk of a range of serious health problems. Also, Body Mass Index is
a scientifically proven equation. After analyzing all these I came up with the campaign “BECOME”. The idea
is, we all know that sports superstars train so hard every day and obviously their BMI is excellent and of
healthy weight. It is no secret, all what they do is have healthy diets and train hard according to a schedule.
On the other hand we may not be able to compete with them because not all of us have the same talents or
skills, but we can still ‘become’ them by achieving their health scores. All you would have to do is to find out
your current BMI and the BMI of the sports superstar you want to become and exercise daily according to the
exercise plan provided. Once you achieve a particular health score, you can either stop at that and maintain it
or aim for another better result. This way it becomes a more interactive campaign where the communication
with the target citizens becomes continuous.

Burning calories should be as fun as eating them.

Burning calories should be as fun as eating them.

One of the final year projects.
