Geist Mobile Game
Concept artist, designer and writer of the prototype mobile game for a child and pre-teen audience, exploring themes such as death, grief and memories. 
Geist Mobile Game, prototype for home page design.
Geist tells the story of young Nico, who after his sister's passing, hasn't been able to sleep. One night Olivia's spirit returns with a task and a journey that will make the siblings navigate through their memories, and help Nico understand grief and the concept of death.
The levels were designed as isometric layouts of the six rooms in which Nico (and the player) must find the hidden mementos.
The siblings and protagonists: Nico and Olivia's spirit.
Interactive object design for first three levels.
October, 2020
Geist Video Game


Geist Video Game

Visual development for mobile game prototype “Geist”. Nico is 10 years old, he likes outer space and he’s afraid of the dark; especially since Read More
