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4 Ways To Grow Your Cannabis Brand With Digital

4 Ways To Grow Your Cannabis Brand With Digital Marketing
Cannabis website marketing in Arizona creatively and effectively in a highly regulated industry can be quite a challenging task. Even the Superbowl rejected a PSA-type ad exclusively promoting the legalization of medicinal marijuana deeming it inappropriate and not up to the broadcaster’s standards. In such a tricky situation, this post will teach you the 4 ways to use social media marketing the right way for marijuana website marketing in Arizona.


Instagram recently opened up new doors for visual merchandising with the in-app shopping feature which to say the least is practically a transition into a digital mall. All that is now left for the cannabis website marketing in Arizona agencies is to promote a product and land directly in a potential customer’s feed. So, some cannabis marketing tips for Instagram include:

Organic - While we all know you cannot set up a paid advertisement if you are in cannabis industry, you can still focus on organic reach. As a pro tip, establish a consistent posting schedule using a combination of trending, popular and branded hashtags to get your feed more visibility.

Engage Influencers - Instagram is a public relations dream come true. So, work your network and unleash the power of word-of-mouth and user-generated content.


Organic - Business pages related to the cannabis industry generally do not have the option for paid advertisements. However, that said organic reach is always an option for marijuana website marketing in Arizona.

Call-To-Action - Create a call to action on your cannabis facebook page that prompts the user to provide their contact information and address. Thereafter create an email marketing campaign to follow up and offer product information.


Organic - A company Linkedin page often serves as a platform to curate and report company news and industry news. However, a linkedin profile can become even more valuable with the PR power to syndicate long-form content and articles to the connections.

Visuals- Always use video and strong visuals to grab the attention of the audience looking to indulge in cannabis flavored information.


Pinterest as a platform usually functions as a social network, shopping network and search engine all at once. Therefore it is no wonder that this platform has been attracting businesses and brands looking to increase sales and build brand awareness. Infact the Pinterest platform is shopify-friendly and generally allows promoted pins though with a few exceptions Now, some tips to market cannabis on Pinterest include:

Go Organic - The safest bet is always to focus on organic growth with consistent posts and user-generated content.

Visuals - Devise a strategy to invest in pinnable visuals to gain referring traffic.

The digital advertising restrictions are just a bump in the road from the cannabis industry and can be easily overcome by tapping into the experience of the right cannabis marketing agency such as Cannabis Website Marketing in Arizona.

James Connors is the author of this article. To know more about Cannabis Website Marketing in Arizona Please visit our website: cannabiswebsitemarketing.com
4 Ways To Grow Your Cannabis Brand With Digital

4 Ways To Grow Your Cannabis Brand With Digital


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