Some merchandise I have yet to actually put on the market... These are intended to be stickers, no bigger than the palm of your hand!
These are actually the revised versions of the original stickers, which were printed and sold at an artist event in Auckland, New Zealand.

This was the Halloween line, and I planned on releasing a Christmas themed one, too! The designs are there, I just need to clean them up.

Maybe this year, I will finally release them officially!
Cosplay Kitties - Halloween - Set 1
Cosplay Kitties - Halloween - Set 2
Cosplay Kitties - Halloween - Set 3
Gilbert the Pescatarian Alligator!
This little guy was a random set of stickers I came up with to sell at the same event as the cat stickers above. 

If you hadn't already guessed, I love alligators and crocodiles and everything in between so much. They are my favourite animals ever. Cats are cool too!

Gilbert has a bit of a story attached to him (as does every character I make pretty much) he was a little alligator egg that somehow got mixed up in a nest of chicken eggs! He hatched in the barn and now he thinks the chicken is his mum, and the chicks are his siblings. The little black chick is his best friend~

And because he was born and raised on a farm, he doesn't like to eat meat, since they're his family, so he eats fish and everything else instead!

These stickers will probably be revised before release.
These are the unfinished Christmas themed Cosplay Kitties stickers! I thought I may as well share these with you as well~
They're obviously a work in progress, and may get a bit revised as well before they're officially released.
Sticker Designs

Sticker Designs
