Seafood Bar Takeout Menu 
December 2020
In November, I was hired by The Seafood Bar in Amsterdam to shoot promotional material for their newly established Take-Away menu- a response to the 2020 pandemic and Horeca closures.

For this shoot, I chose to do flat-lay shots to demonstrate the quantity and diversity of food, and Lifestyle shots to add that human factor that’s missing in take-away dining. Bright colors and lots of white creates a clean, easy feeling, along with the illusion of the crushed ice usually displayed in many of their seafood dishes.
Again in December, I was asked to make additional promotional material for the holiday season, where The Seafood Bar was offering a special holiday meal takeaway option. I decided this time to go for a warmer, cosier color pallet and additional props such as the garland, ornaments, and Gold confetti stars for texture. The goal was to provide a feel of the usual seasonal comforts in such an unusual time.
The Seafood Bar

The Seafood Bar
