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Cyber Security for Senior Citizens

Cyber Security for Seniors: The 50+ Demographic
Now where the heck is that darn Netflix?
Recent studies have shown that senior citizens are using the Internet more than ever before. Just as a traveling salesman is statistically more likely to get into an automobile accident than a stay-at-home parent, the more senior citizens are online the greater their risk of cyberattack.

Below is a refresher that can benefit the retirement age demographic to help ensure a safe web-surfing environment.

Password Protection

My father is 82, and surfs the net regularly.  He's fairly internet savvy and has few issues with the online basics.

However, the vast number of passwords and user names required today is something that frustrates him. This led him to have an over-simplified password that he uses for multiple platforms.

Clearly, this puts him at risk on a number of levels. If you do not feel confident using a password retrieval program such as Lastpass, make sure to keep a meticulous list of your passwords in a safe place, and change them regularly.

Many security experts recommend never committing ANY of your passwords to paper. This is something difficult for most of us, regardless of age.  I don't think you need to be that hardcore, but if you can find a password-protected (preferably encrypted) spot for your passwords and other sensitive data, that's the way to go.  But be warned: when it comes to explaining what encryption means (or even password-protection) to your older loved ones, you are on your own.

Antivirus software

This should go without saying, but you’d be surprised how many in the 65+ demographic are using expired antivirus software (or no software at all).  

Just remember that a virus can attack your computer even if you are safe about everything else.  Antivirus software should be prerequisite to web-surfing.  Here’s looking at you, Dad…and yes, EVEN Macintosh users need antivirus software.

Social Networks

It’s no coincidence that with the rise of senior citizens using the internet, they are becoming more visible in social networks as well.

How many of you have your parents and/or grandparents as friends on Facebook, or the like?

What many don’t realize is that social media can be ripe ground for cyberattacks of all sorts.  

The older demographic needs to realize what information is safe to display to the public and what should be held back.  From birthday information to home telephone numbers, all can be used to fashion a false identity.

Mobile Devices

The desktop computer is rapidly becoming a thing of the past as more users turn to smartphones and tablets to peruse the internet.  This is true with the senior set as well, and they are not necessarily aware of the inert dangers that mobile devices can pose.  

For example, many may blindly log on using a non-secure wi-fi connection—unknowingly allowing sensitive data to become open game for hackers.

Confidence Check

Overconfidence can lead to a susceptibility to online scams, malware and phishing as some feel that they are savvy enough to not be taken advantage of.  It is important to understand that just as in the real world, if it sounds too good to be true, it likely is.

Cyber Security for Senior Citizens


Cyber Security for Senior Citizens
