Ogilvy Ukraine's profileDmytro Sergeev's profile


Creative platform and identity 
for an employer brand

- Make ELDORADO - one of the leaders in household appliances retail - an attractive employer for the younger generation of employees,

- Attract and retain ambitious, proactive employees who will help the company transform to meet the demands of the highly competitive retail market

WE DEVELOPED a value proposition, a creative platform with a new identity and tone of voice:

AWESOMORROW is not only about the fact that everyone in the team can count on development and well-being tomorrow, but also about the fact that the team is building a new ELDORADO - the company of the future.
Also AWESOMORROW is about the fact that each employee should be guided in his work not by a sale of household appliances today, but by the idea of how the client will use it tomorrow, whether it will be convenient for him, whether it will solve his problems, whether it will give him expected emotions and more.

VISUAL STYLE is based on rays of energy. They symbolize the energy of each employee, which fills the company with life. And the "E" button - ELDORADO - turns on a successful tomorrow for its team and customers.

- The company looks modern and talks to its employees and job seekers in a friendly language instead of formal instructions.
- In her messages, every employee feels his/ her important role in the transformation of the company.
- Internal communications demonstrate a focus on service rather than on formal sales of household appliances.

- According to research, in the year of the new communication launch, ELDORADO received the highest rating among university students and graduates.
- The number of candidates applying to ELDORADO increased by almost 3 times compared to the previous year (7 thousand VS 18 thousand).
- The turnover rate decreased by 20 points compared to the previous year.

Senior Designer​​​​​​​Dmitro Sergeev
Creative — Yevgeniya Dzybenko
Group Account Director — Sofiya Volchkovich
Account Manager — Elena Logvinova
Designer – ⁨Darya Trofimenko⁩ 
DTP – Oleg Berzhko
Photo Credit – Unsplash, GettyImages
