nöm market

This job centred on creating uniformed branding for the soon to launch nöm market, a second location for the well established brunch cafe, nöm, located in Nicosia, Cyprus. The client requested the creation of a new logo and product branding that would be closely connected with the existing branding of nöm. This is because the two entities are closely linked since nöm market is a place where you can buy food and coffee were offered within the nöm brunch cafe. The objective was to create packaging stickers for different products such as teas, sweet spoons, olive oil, granola, as well as shop display price tags, and pasta packaging. They requested a colourful, simple design across all packaging that would unite all products. 
tann coffee roasters 2020

Alongside the creation of nom market branding, the client also requested incorporating the company's own roasted coffee creations, freshly roasted in shop. The objective was to create a fresh logo that mirrors the nöm market designs for placement on the roasted coffee bean packaging design.
nöm market

nöm market
