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Attock Haircut | 步埗為型 Step-in-Style

Attock Haircut | 步埗為型 Step-in-Style
Product Gallery
Item: Barber Towel // Size: 35cm(W) x 35cm(L) // Production: Digital Printing
design concept
The shop logo combines a Stop Sign with the shop name, combining a green background that represents Pakistan with a stick hair-cut and a brush in it. This logo hopes to show a playful and Intriguing feeling that encourages passer-bys to stop by Attock for a haircut. 
We chose a white towel for our design icon as it is an essential item for drying our hair after shampooing and washing as well as serving other shop purposes and promotional uses. 100% Cotton was selected as the main material to ensure high absorbency. 


設計概念於商店的名上加入了"Stop Sign"的元素。三角形代表了店舖的第一個 "A" 字,亦加入了有代表性的刷子圖案,作為標誌,意味著停下來享受剪頭髮的時間。
我們選擇了於白毛巾上放上設計圖標,因為它是洗髮和吹乾頭髮時常用,及用於其他商店用途和促銷用途的必備物品。 選用 100% 棉作為主要材料,以確保高吸水性。
With a barber as his father in Pakistan, Sam became interested in haircutting when he was young and eventually becoming a barber himself.
At the beginning, most of his customers were his fellow Pakistanis but now, his clientele has expanded where almost half of the customers are now Hong Kongers.

//Not only is Sham Shui Po a cool hip area,
it is also a multi-cultural district.//

Though Sam is English-speaking with some knowledge of Cantonese, the official language used inside his shop is “body language”! Customers only need to point to their desired hair- style on his wall of photos and Sam would take care of the rest. 

Besides haircutting, Attock Haircut also provides services like moustache grooming, facial care, facial hair waxing, head massage as well as hair treatment for both male and female customers.


深水埗除了是文青「打卡」熱點,更是多元文化的集中地。身兼老闆及髮型師的 Sam 來自巴基斯坦,爸爸在家鄉經營 Salon,所以從小對理髮產生興趣及情意結。最初開店時,以為只有同鄉「幫趁」,直到現在,一半客人都是香港人。雖然Sam 主要用英文溝通,中文只是「識少少」,但對客人有着一種特別的溝通方式 —「手指指」。因為店內牆上貼滿不同的髮型照,客人只需選擇髮型、指一指,就可以開始理髮,過程十分有趣而有效率。

Attock Hair Cut 除了一般理髮,還有很多不同服務:造型鬍鬚、面部護理、面部蜜蠟去毛、頭部按摩及頭髮保養療程等等。同時店主也十分歡迎女仕來光顧,所以Barber Shop 絕不是男仕的專利。
Attock Haircut | 步埗為型 Step-in-Style

Attock Haircut | 步埗為型 Step-in-Style
