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Jim & Sally Hohnberger on the Art of Downhill Skiing

Jim & Sally Hohnberger on the Art of Downhill Skiing
Jim and Sally Hohnberger are co-founders of Empowered Living Ministries living in and serving the Olathe, Colorado community. Jim was introduced to Christianity by his dentist many years ago. Since then he and Sally Hohnberger have lived lives dedicated to Christian values and doing the ministry work that they are called by God to do.
In so doing Jim and Sally Hohnberger have earned the love and respect of their community and helped inspire many of their neighbors to join them in their walk with Christ.

However, the Lord does not wish anyone, no matter how dedicated to their faith and work, to live apart from the joy of the great outdoors and a wholesome pastime. For Jim and Sally Hohnberger, the Colorado ski slopes have provided the perfect opportunity to experience the majesty of the great outdoors and to enjoy the thrill and joy of downhill skiing. Jim and Sally Hohnberger offered some interesting tips on the sport, as well as insightful comments on downhill skiing.

Jim & Sally Hohnberger on the Art of Downhill Skiing

When a person is so engaged in an activity that all other thoughts and concerns melt away, it is called the “flow state,” Jim and Sally Hohnberger said. When combined with the pure enjoyment of gliding rapidly through a beautiful outdoor landscape, entering the flow state is not just therapeutic, it’s a way to be at one with the Lord’s creation.
There’s something inspiring about the purity of snow-capped mountains in the grand Colorado, mountain terrain. But of course, to enjoy it properly, the novice skier needs to take a few basic things to heart.

Jim & Sally Hohnberger Offer Skiing Tips for Beginners
The Hohnbergers remind us that we should not allow the thrill and the splendor of downhill skiing to distract us from the serious consequences of not respecting the sport. The following tips should help the beginner skier to learn the sport in reasonable safety, and have a great time on the slopes.

1. Take lessons from a professional

The pro ski instructors are not just there to make money. They are there to impart critical skills, skills we all need to be safe. So, invest in lessons for invaluable skills that will serve you for years to come.

2. Bend your knees

Your knees are the only shock absorbers you have. Use a bent-knee stance to give you that added cushion to absorb the shock of the bumps you see coming, and especially the ones you don’t see coming.

3. Stay within your skillset

To improve, you will have to push the edge of your abilities, but there’s no use going beyond what you’re capable of. Beware of overconfidence, and expand your skill-set safely.

4. Embrace your fall

Every skier will fall eventually. Those scrapes and bruises will show you that you can take more than you believed you could. Use caution, and wear safety equipment, knowing you will crash, and that you will learn a valuable lesson from it.

5. Pick the right terrain

The beginner slopes are there for a reason. Use the slope that is rated for your skill level. They are assessed by experts over many years to suit the skills of skiers at every level of the sport.
Jim & Sally Hohnberger on the Art of Downhill Skiing

Jim & Sally Hohnberger on the Art of Downhill Skiing


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