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Graphic Design - Conceptual Book Cover

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
 by Lewis Carroll
The design principle metaphor/simile was used when creating the typography concept cover for "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". By using the letters to form the Mad Hatter's hat, the text formed the idea of something else. The typography is bold and a fun font that was individually shaped to take on the look of the iconic hat.
The design principle that was used when designing the concept cover for "designer's choice" was change in context/environment, because it makes the concrete title interact with other aspects of the design rather than being formal and isolated. The layers and colors are a little chaotic but work well together especially in conjunction with the actual book. Because Wonderland is a make believe land, there are no rules to say that tea has to be the color of regular tea. Or that teapots cant float, be a solid color, the list goes on. By having the title appear in and out of the pouring tea it also shows how different aspects of the design are all interacting with each other. 
The design principle of physical shape/similarity was used in the creation of this cover. The adventure started with a white rabbit, but by making him out of cut up cards (and making the Queen of Hearts the main section of his head), it shows two elements that are memorable in the book on the cover. By using the cards it adds another layer of interest and depth into the cover design, especially when it is the first thing that draws the eye when looking at the cover. Adding accents of red into the title helps tie in some of the color on the rabbit, but does not detract from the main design, which is the rabbit.

Graphic Design - Conceptual Book Cover

Graphic Design - Conceptual Book Cover
