Brenda Fleming's profile

National Security Science magazine

The following examples are from the spring 2021 women's issue of the National Security Science (NSS) magazine. NSS is produced three times a year by Los Alamos National Laboratory in Northern New Mexico. More than 6,000 copies of the magazine were distributed nationally; a digital version can be viewed at

This particular issue highlighted the work (specifically science and engineering) done by women at Los Alamos from World War II (when the laboratory was established) to today.

The first image shows the cover and an excerpt from an article that profiled 40 modern day female scientists and engineers.

The second set of images show a full article that traces the contributions of women at Los Alamos through a timeline.

To design this magazine, I used Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign to create dynamic layouts.

Backstory: Women in science haven't quite gotten the spotlight they deserved. This issue of NSS, which debuted during Women's History Month, was a chance to highlight some of the major contributions by women at Los Alamos.

Impact/Experience: Women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields are often overlooked. This issue of NSS aimed to change that and to give credit to the thousands of women who have worked in science and engineering at Los Alamos National Laboratory. As one former (male) lab director wrote, "What impressed me the most [about the National Security Science Women's issue] is the cadre of outstanding women, some of whom are highlighted in this issue, and who are now contributing to the the Laboratory mission in a wide variety of positions. Congratulations! Makes me very proud to be a Los Alamos alumnus."

National Security Science magazine

National Security Science magazine
