Mars Calling - An entry for a competition 
Brief : 

In this Art Competition, participants were asked to imagine taking a walk on mars. Participants were asked to sketch and illustrate walking through a future Martian Street, where movement through habitats and social spaces was explored.
The aim of the competition was to evoke the experience and feel of walking through a Martian settlement.
Thought Process : 

Any living organism that has to exist in harsh conditions such as mars should have gears that would protect them from all the extreme natural occurrences. The headgear that you see on the tiny human's head is called a tentasensor. Tentasensors have visual and climatic sensors which alert organisms when there's a huge storm incoming or any other such disaster. 

They are just one click away from getting enveloped by an "Experiential Bubble" which further lets them pick what they want to experience while they are transported into their respective cocoons or colonies. 

Swaddled Habitats


Swaddled Habitats
