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Information Wants to be Free: Hacker Culture Exhibition

Information wants to be free – exhibition catalogue & website about hacker culture

Hacker culture is popularly associated with underground criminal activity, but there is a lot more to it that needs our attention; people who are explorers of new knowledge and seekers of world improvement, wanting to take risks and expose wrongdoings to the wider world. This exhibition catalogue and visual website, based on a hypothetical exhibition celebrating hacker culture in the National Museum of Computing in Milton Keynes, focus on showing a balanced view of hacker culture that breaks the stereotypes and represents their culture and ideologies broadly, not just the illegal underground activity. The main message is to expose the hidden variety within hacker culture, shedding light on both the good and bad sides. The catalogue includes stories and interviews from different types of hackers throughout the history and explanations of their ethics and intentions, hacker artists, famous hacktivist groups and individuals and their achievements. The website is a collection of digital art visuals and hidden messages that need to be “hacked” to be able to view them. I created my own typeface for this project by combining pixelated and clear versions of an existing typeface (Space Grotesk) and imagery is created by generator ( 
Information Wants to be Free: Hacker Culture Exhibition

Information Wants to be Free: Hacker Culture Exhibition
