Megan Thong Tim Yan's profile

Chime (Visual Development Collaborative Project)


Tagline/Plot: A demotivated Dreamcatcher rediscovers his purpose while attempting to protect the young dreamer during an unexpected encounter.

A final year film project done in collaboration with students from Illustration and Digital Animation Majors at The One Academy- team 'Sugarcode'. I was a member of the design team and contributed mainly to the environment of the film's story.
A Key art made to illustrate the final look and feel of the film.
From left to right: Room Orthographic Sketches, Proportion Design Exploration Sketches, Early Room Design Explorations

Environment design explorations- with early pitches of the setting likened to the micro-apartments of Hong Kong. One of the main stylistic inspirations drawn was from the film 'Tekkonkinkreet', as well as taking proportion design notes from films like '9' and games such as 'Little Nightmares' which featured small-sized main characters in contrast to a big world.

From left to right: Additional Room Furniture Design, Orthographic View of Kitchen, Final Room Design with no lighting VS. night lighting applied (bed, window render and floor texture done by various teammates

Final Design and Production material for the film.
Chime (Visual Development Collaborative Project)


Chime (Visual Development Collaborative Project)

Tagline/Plot: A demotivated Dreamcatcher rediscovers his purpose while attempting to protect the young dreamer during an unexpected encounter.
