L O W E ' S   R E F R E S H
Here's another brand I wanted to take a stab at refreshing. Below you'll see my exploration around new logos, typography and campaign elements.

Let's start with the logo. The current logo is...interesting. I'm not sure how exactly that S got sold in. Or the crazy kerning. Or...well...a lot of things. But at its core there's a solid foundation when you look at the illustrated storefront as a holding shape. This is a home improvement company and its logo should reflect their products – solid, trustworthy and long-lasting. I went for an evolution of the current logo vs. overhaul.

Below you'll find a new brand campaign line and rationale. While I do like their current, "Never Stop Improving" line, I wanted to see if there was something fresh I could do with it. Very early on in the design process the triangle in the logo became a concept centered around the idea of planning home projects and the vision to see it through. I followed the breadcrumbs until it lead me to the line, "Home Is Made Here."


For the advertising I thought it would be interesting to bring in our framing devices around the people. After all, it's not about the products. It's about the people who work with them, create with them and make their homes a reflection of themselves.

Thanks so much for looking! Hope you enjoyed the end results.

Got a new brand that needs to launch or an old brand that could use a refresh?
Please let me know at nathan-beasley@hotmail.com. I'm wide open for freelance.
Lowe's Refresh


Lowe's Refresh
