Chances are, your favorite classic Western film was probably shot here. During the Golden Age of Hollywood, the Eastern Sierra Mountains and Alabama Hills of Southeastern California provided the perfect backdrop for outlaws escape into the unknown with cowboys hot on their trail. This landscape is as raw and they come. It's all too easy to feel like you're on Mars, or one of the planets from Interstellar while roaming around this arid, jagged place. Rough around the edges doesn't even begin to cut it. The Sierras represent the wild and the rugged; the fierce and the stark. Although my time here in February of 2019 was minute to say the least, the images I managed to come away with tell a rich story all their own. This is a completely different side of California than pop culture portrays and, yet, it is a quintessential part of Hollywood's story. Tell your ol' Uncle Clint hello for me as you wander through this gallery and I'll see you on the other side. 
As always, many thanks to you for viewing my work. If you enjoy my style or have any questions, feel free to let me know in the comments. Until next time.


