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Why Athletes Should Consider Supplementation

Why Athletes Should Consider  Supplementation
If you’re an athlete, fitness enthusiast or working out is part of your daily activity, investing in a quality  supplement is a must to maintain optimal strength and performance. 20 essential amino acids that your body doesn’t produce on its own. However, the body relies on lysine to absorb calcium, build collagen, produce hormones, support the immune system and more. It also produces carnitine, which aids in the reduction of cholesterol.
When you’re working out, your body uses these reserves to function at its best. While many can face a deficiency, it's easy for athletes to have this problem, since more lysine is used to restore muscle strength and energy. Depleted reserves can result in deficiency, protein degradation (catabolism) and slow injury recovery. Without , maintaining peak performance is impossible.
Though the body does not naturally produce , this amino acid is easy to obtain through diet choices and supplements like pills. Athletes and fitness enthusiasts who are concerned about health can find supplements and pills that are formulated with natural ingredients to maintain  levels and stay on top of the body’s needs.
Why a supplement is important for athletes
Your body needs lysine to build protein. Its primary role is growth, and it helps strengthen joints and reduces pain.
For athletes, amino acids are known to enhance overall performance by increasing hormone secretions, modifying fuel during activity, and preventing mental fatigue and unwanted effects of overtraining.
Because is mostly derived from skeletal muscle, it builds and maintains that muscle tissue. It also combines with several vitamins, minerals and amino acids, such as Vitamin C and arginine. With Vitamin C, it works to create another amino acid, carnitine, which helps the body effectively burn fat and deliver oxygen to active muscles. With a healthy amount of arginine, increases the plasma levels of human growth hormones. This results in athletes building muscle and improving performance.
Importantly, reduces the rate of catabolism. Naturally, after working out, the body goes into a catabolic state, but  reverses that process - with ample  reserves, the body goes into an anabolic state, where there is tissue growth, recovery and rebuilding of muscle.
Where to obtain lysine
Your body’s lysine needs are dependent on your weight, height and activity level. Generally, the average adult needs around .85g of  per day; athletes may need around 1 to 3 grams  per day.
Low levels of  can lead to fatigue, dizziness, nausea, slow growth and more — ultimately, you won’t feel your best.
You can easily obtain lysine through your diet. Common foods that contain lysine are red meat, chicken, eggs, cod, sardines, beans, lentils, nuts, parmesan cheese, nuts and soybeans.
Beyond diet, athletes are recommended to incorporate a supplement to account for more lysine use due to their activity levels. But as with all supplements, always check with your doctor to learn the dosage and type of supplement that’s ideal for you. This is especially important if you’re taking other medications and supplements, since lysine can adversely interact with them, such as with a high amount of arginine.
Recommended lysine supplements
Many lysine supplements are available, but finding ones formulated with natural ingredients can be a challenge. However, lysine pills such as Super Lysine + tablets provide L lysine through safe and effective nutrient formulas. Combined with other ingredients like Vitamin C, echinacea and licorice root, lysine supplements can help keep your body at top performance and allow it to recuperate quickly while supporting your immune system. These pills can be consumed daily or when you need to boost your immune system to feel your best.
Why Athletes Should Consider Supplementation

Why Athletes Should Consider Supplementation


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