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Most Common Diseases and Health Conditions in Children

Most Common Diseases and Health Conditions in Children
Children’s immune system is weak, and they are more prone to infections and diseases as compared to adults. They need special attention until the age of 5 because their organs are not fully developed. Apart from this, inadequate nutritional intake increases the risk of various illnesses in children. Being a savvy parent, you need to learn the major types of infections and health conditions that are more common in kids to take preventive measures on time. If you are a newbie parent and not aware of these disorders, you are at the right place. In this article, we will throw light on the major childhood illnesses.


The Bronchial is the tube that transports air to and from the lungs. The inflammation in this tube is known as Bronchitis. It is prevalent for toddlers and results in cough and thickened mucus. Your loved one will make a whistling sound while breathing. It can be mild or chronic, depending on the immunity of your child. Generally, its symptoms last for two weeks. You can consider several home remedies to treat your child. Keep them hydrated, and do not take them in smoky places. Also, giving them vitamin C-rich foods will be helpful. If your child suffers more, it is better to consult the best child specialist in Mohali and other countries.


Children fall prey to Gastroenteritis very easily. This health condition is related to inflammatory and upset bowel or intestine. If your child is suffering from this disease, they will vomit a lot and become a diarrhea victim. The leading cause of this disorder is bacterial or viral attack.

Moreover, Gastroenteritis is also called Stomach-Flu. Watery smelly stools, stomach pain, and mild fever are the symptoms of this health condition. To protect your child from Gastroenteritis, it is essential to keep your loved one hydrated and consult a renowned pediatrician if symptoms persist.


Measles viral infection caused by Rubella virus and causes contagious illness in children. You will be surprised to know that 2.9 million babies in India are affected by this deadly virus because they are not being vaccinated. It can affect your lungs or brain and, in worse cases, can even lead to death. Diarrhea, ear allergies, and skin rashes are the most common signs of Measles viral infection. Therefore, it is crucial to vaccinate your child with the MMR vaccine. Its first dose is given between 12 to 15 months of age, and the second dose is injected between 4 to 6 years. Otherwise, your child will become prey to pneumonia or encephalitis in the future.


Asthma is a chronic and inflammatory disorder that causes harm to the airways to the lungs. This long-term condition leads to breathing problems. Wheezing, unbearable chest pain, and tightness are the early symptoms of this problem. Weather changes, dust particles, smoke, air pollutants, etc., are the common triggers of this problem. The best child specialist always advises keeping the children away from these environmental factors to safeguard them from Asthma. On realizing the Asthma trigger, treat your child with the prescribed inhaler, and if they do not feel better, seek the help of a nearby physician promptly.

Common cold

Cold and cough are pervasive health issues, and it occurs to most of the children whenever weather transition occurs. However, their proper treatment is vital; otherwise, it can cause serious illnesses. It would be better to give steam to small children on realizing chest congestion.


Like the immune system, the digestive tract of small children is not fully developed. As a result, they find it difficult to digest complex foods like popcorn, red meat, and nuts, leading to constipation. That’s why you should feed them lots of fruit juices and fibrous foods. Otherwise, constipation can cause significant discomfort to their abdomen.

So there you have it, the deep dive into the most common health problems of children. Worry not, little care and assistance from a pediatrician can protect your child from catastrophic illness.

Most Common Diseases and Health Conditions in Children

Most Common Diseases and Health Conditions in Children


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