Zika Crowned's profile

Fakugesi Festival x Floating Reverie Online Residency

Residency took place on my Instagram profile through posts and stories
Exploring and iterating from existing Nguni iconography and tapping into ancestral memory and indigenous creativity to envision the future of our culture.
Expected to stand forever strong.
Forgetting that they are human too.
The Independent Matriach⁠⠀
Regality in the face of brutality⁠⠀
⁠Colour Meaning: 
- Blue: hostility
- Yellow Gold: withering⠀
A commemoration to the plight that women face in South Africa.⁠⠀

Artwork breakdown can be found on my instagram posts @ZikaCrowned, date 07/09/2019  
Beautiful, young, wild and free.
Ever vulnerable in a predatory world.
The Rebel Femme
When is innocence lost?⁠⠀
By defiant choice, against the rules that would bind the wild and free womxn whose spirit is an unquenchable blaze.⁠⠀
Or is it the predator's pluck that rips away what is precious, too soon?⁠⠀
Who will listen to our unheard screams?⁠⠀

Are we allowed to our our bodies as womxn in South Africa? Our lives so easily taken, at the lousiest provocation, sexual/power impulse or us daring to have a voice. For we must behave after all, or what do we expect?⁠⠀

The futility of attempting to contain she who is fluid and free. The madness of her youth cannot be curbed. For what and for who? ⁠⠀

Further artwork breakdown can be found on my instagram @ZikaCrowned, date 02/09/19
Fakugesi Festival x Floating Reverie Online Residency

Fakugesi Festival x Floating Reverie Online Residency
