As a UX designer, I am sure you have been asked many times “What process do you follow when designing apps and websites?” There is a simple reason why this question is so popular among designers: UX process is a cornerstone of UX design.
Without a solid UX design process, you have a lower chance of creating a product with good UX. A well-defined and well-executed UX process, on the other hand, makes it possible to craft amazing experiences for users.
What does the UX process look like?
The answer to this question is: it depends. Your process will depend on the type of product you’re designing. Different projects require different approaches; the approach to a corporate website differs from the way we design a dating app, for example.
Most designers are familiar with the concept of “design thinking” as a UX process. This process has five stages in it: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. Most design processes originate from this concept.
Design process

Design process
