Hey This is Sadia Lakho!

This is my major work I have performed in Android Application Development Course, Supported by IDO and GIZ.

Following are the Java Programming Assignments that I have practiced in the class for my learning and understanding of the java programming Language. It will extend the use in Android Application development to build and develop Apps.
This program will show the even and odd numbers from 1 to 25.
This program will ask the user on run time to enter the month and year, the program will the user that how many days are in the month of that year.
This program is design to show the factorial of 5.
This program will tell the user that how many time letter a is appeared in the specified string.
This program is designed to take the input from user and tell the factorial of that number
This program is designed to tell whether the string or word is a palindrome or not. Basically palindrome is the word which starts and ends with the same letter.
Thank you for visiting my Portfolio!
Sadia Lakho

Sadia Lakho
