Bruce Coffee Maker
Lever coffee maker which allows the user to brew the perfect espresso.
How it's done?
The process starts pouring hot water onto ground coffee beans. Water seeps through the grounded coffee while absorbing chemical components. As a result, coffee.

Personally, the most tasteful coffee is the espresso. Above all, these type of coffee is recognized for its cream, body and particular taste.

After the analysis of the offerings, the decision was to bring to the market a different solution to honor the traditional ways of making coffee: a new manual lever espresso machine that works without any cables or batteries.
Shape development
The user-friendly approach of the design sought to generate an intuitive product through pure forms and visible mechanisms.

Understanding that every shape communicates a natural movement, the goal was to carry out the most intuitive design possible.

The brewing process involves a lever that transmits the pressure exerted towards a piston, then forces the water to flow through a metallic filter with grounded coffee.

The lever mechanism allows the user to reach the 8-9 bars of pressure needed for a good quality espresso with cream and body.
Machining aluminium, casting, CNC routing, and double-coat painting are some of the processes involved in this design.
Designed by
Mariano Fernandez Suarez
Julian Blanco
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Bruce Coffee Maker

Bruce Coffee Maker
