雨都漫步 - 基隆在地文化導覽插圖委託案 

Commission Work.
Keelung-for-a-Walk - the local cultural organization which provides cultural walking tours. 
4 postcards illustrated the attractions and special treats/ symbols for 4 unique walking tours.
慶安宮 /咖哩麵 /雨傘 - 一口基隆  (手繪+電腦後製, 2021)
Qing-An Temple / Curry fried noodle / an Umbrella - Food Tour in Keelung
(hand drawing + photoshop, 2021  )
崁仔頂魚市場 /維大力 米酒 保力達特調 - 魚市無眠 (手繪+電腦後製, 2021)
Kanziding Fish Market / Keelung exclusive alcoholic drink - Midnight Fish Market Adventures
(hand drawing + photoshop, 2021 )
石蓮花飲品 /正濱漁港 -漫遊離島 (手繪+電腦後製, 2021)
 Agar Drink/ Zhengbin Fishing Harbor - Heping Island Walking Tour
(hand drawing + photoshop, 2021 )
哥倫布巷 /仁愛市場甜不辣 - 港畔光曲 (手繪+電腦後製, 2021)
Columbus Alley / Ren'ai Day Market tempura - Interactive Cultural Adventure
(hand drawing + photoshop, 2021 )
Keelung attractions

Keelung attractions
