Sarah Bradshaw's profile

Make-A-Wish America: Wish Stores

Amaya has had a tough life compared to most kids her age. She faces doctor visits and treatments on a regular basis. But she also has something special that a lot of them don’t: a pint-sized best friend.
Lily Ruby is the name of the teacup Yorkie that now belongs to Amaya, who is faced with a life-threatening liver condition.
"Puppies like to snuggle and give lots of kisses," said Amaya, "I will have her forever to love." But this pooch didn’t just show up one day – it was the cultivation of something much greater: Amaya’s wish. With the help of Subaru of America, Inc. Amaya received the exact pup she had been hoping for.
Lily Ruby is much more than just a dog to Amaya. She is a sense of security and optimism that helps Amaya stay strong day after day. Amaya’s mom, Laurie said, "We face daily obstacles with Amaya’s condition and Lily Ruby has given Amaya a lifted spirit and best friend."
Would you jump out of an airplane? Would you drive straight toward the eye of a hurricane? These adventures might make the average person’s heart skip a beat. But they’re all wishes that have been made by wish kids. And when the time came they weren’t afraid … they were thrilled.

I am a self-proclaimed adventurer, so it always brings me joy to see new people becoming inquisitive and courageous out in the world. The power of an adventure is something that I have always believed in – it can open a person’s eyes to all of the possibilities that their life holds. Many wish kids are either stuck inside doing treatments or just plain too tired to go on daily expeditions.

But every once in a while, an adventure is just absolutely necessary.

There have been a few times in my life where I have needed an adventure. Generally, they fall right around when stressful things are going on in my life. Just before my freshman year of college, I went bungee jumping. When I started my first real job, I thought it was a good time to run a marathon. For me, it’s not just about the adrenaline that goes along with all of these things. It’s about discovering a new way to see my life. And sometimes, the only way to understand it is by taking a look at it 26.2 miles down the road.

Everyone gets an itch for an adventure every now and again, right? Wish kids are no different. Here are just a few of the awesome experiences they’ve enjoyed through Make-A-Wish. But there are many, many more …

Domenic and his family crawl through hardened lava formations during hiswish trip to Hawai’i. That probably isn’t something that most people realize they want to do – that is, until they get the chance to do it. For Domenic, that was the plan from the start. But that wasn’t the only thing they got to do on their amazing trip: They also rode in a helicopter around the island, went snorkeling, visited waterfalls, and swam with dolphins. Talk about packing it all into one trip!

Speaking of dolphins, if you're a well-known marine biologist, 4-year-old Colin probably knows your name. He’s an expert on all things relating to sea life, and he is happy to share. Even though Colin’s fragile immune system made it so that he couldn’t spend much time outside as a child, his wish was an experience that took the focus off of his illness and put it onto the awesomeness of his wish day. While out and about during his whale watching expedition, they spotted 19 orcas, harbor seals, a bald eagle, sea lions, and even two rare Minke whales.

I can identify with Colin’s wish because even while he was adventuring, he was also learning. And that is the entire point of an adventure – to learn new things about the world and its inhabitants.

But adventures don’t always have to take place in an exotic location or by doing daredevil stunts. Perhaps for some, an adventure is just simply pushing beyond the limits. Aspen'sdedication to martial arts was the driving force behind her wish: to meet a very influential figure in her life. This person was Sensei Kiyoshi Yamazaki. When they met, he held a training session with her and even presented her with his second-degree black belt.

In the end, it really isn’t about what you wish for that makes it an adventure. Just make the most of your experience.  
Who knew that a 6-year-old boy could make such a huge difference? When Luke had his wish granted, it wasn’t just his life that was changed. He was able to share the power of a wish®, and his ripple has created waves.

To Luke’s family, a pineapple isn’t just a fruit. For them, a pineapple represents the once-in-a-lifetime trip to Hawaii that brought them together. Even more than that, it represents their son, Luke.

When Luke had his wish granted in 2010, he was in the midst of dealing with a life-threatening medical condition – an abnormality in his blood vessels was causing his lungs to essentially destroy themselves. But Luke was able to find solace in the one thing he loved most: gardening. He loved horticulture so much, in fact, that when Make-A-Wish asked him to name his one true wish, he told them that he wanted to go to see pineapples grow in Hawaii.

His mother, Erin, said, “The opportunity to dream past his health issues has been wonderful.”

After his trip, Luke learned about being an ambassador for Make-A-Wish. It was through his contributions to the organization that he reinvented the joy of wish granting for other children. He even created a team for the annual Walk For Wishes®, which his family still walks in year after year. 
Standing in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius, Brian looks around in amazement. "I can't believe I'm here. I can't believe I'm really seeing this for myself.”
Nothing compares to seeing it with your own eyes. No matter how much you study a place in History class, it is 100 times better when you’re there – Brian can guarantee that. 

Facing the Unknown …

Newly diagnosed with Burkitt’s lymphoma, Brian confronted an uncertain future. But this burden wasn’t just for Brian to carry; his family stood beside him with their unwavering support. Nevertheless, there was much for them to take on – the sickness, the worry, the unknown. The only thing that was definite was the numerous rounds of chemotherapy Brian was scheduled to endure. It was a tough road ahead for them, but things started looking up when they heard about Make-A-Wish …

An Adventure of a Lifetime

Once Brian set foot in Italy, all thoughts of ports, IV pumps, chemo and constant pain faded away – in their place was Brian’s fascination with his new surroundings. For him, every worry seemed a little farther away. The trip was a stepping stone for Brian and his family. Not only did it provide him with a chance to experience a place he always dreamed of seeing, but it gave him and his family a goal to work towards – recovery.
“I can't thank Make-A-Wish enough for providing this trip for my son and our family,” says Leslie, Brian’s mom, “it still brings tears of gratitude to my eyes.”

Monograms® Travel, which provides independent worldwide travel itineraries, planned and donated $5,000 toward Brian’s wish. Since 2009, Monograms has donated more than $250,000 worth of travel vouchers to grant the international travel wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions. Local support and guidance arranged through Monograms allows wish kids and their families to enjoy seamless, worry-free travel abroad.
Make-A-Wish America: Wish Stores

Make-A-Wish America: Wish Stores

This collection of stories was published on the national Make-A-Wish website, A story should be able to speak for itself -- view it in Read More


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