Tiffany Brown's profile

There's Space for You Here, Too.

Six-Word Memoir
For this project, my classmates and I were each asked to come up with a personal six-word memoir that described where we are or how we felt about our design journey in this current moment. The end goal was to create a gif, using frames and layers, to illustrate and clearly convey our messages with simple movement in Photoshop. 
Below is my creative process from beginning to end. 

My design memoir: "There's space for you here, too" 

Thumbnail sketch #1-6: Beginning stages of the design process, sketching out possible compositions of words and images.

Thumbnail sketches #6-10

Mood board: I was inspired by the mood and message behind these images --inclusion, women empowerment, bright colors and fun shapes. I gathered the color palette from the bottom image on the far right using Adobe Color. 

The final still image featuring my 6 word memoir: "There's space for you here, too."
Warm sienna brown and repetitive shapes to keep a welcoming mood. 

Final Gif: Emphasis on the word "space" with simple movement.

There's Space for You Here, Too.

There's Space for You Here, Too.

A six word memoir describing where I am on my design journey.
