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Ceri Müller ceramics website redesign

Ceri Müller 
This project explores website UI and UX design by redesigning a mock website for sculptural ceramicist Ceri Muller. Focusing on the horizontal parallax scroll and interaction with her products.
The animation demonstrate how this would work.
Ceri Müller’s ceramics and imagery inspired me to play, test and explore some new skills. 
In designing a new website experience for her site I also created a logo to fit the brand identity and make this project more cohesive. 

All images found off
[Ceri Müller](

Ceramics by Ceri Müller
Images by Kent Andreasen + Ceri Müller 
Digital art by Alexis Christodoulou
Ceri Müller ceramics website redesign

Ceri Müller ceramics website redesign
