Ami Kyle's profile

'Ryūji' World-building Concepts

World Building and production development
I worked on 'Ryūji' as the director and main writer of the story,
as well as being a concept artist.
Featured below are some pieces giving insight into concept development for the overall atmosphere
of the animated short movie

SketchBook Development

I worked heavily in my sketchbook to develop the kind of feeling I wanted to convey through the landscapes and characters in 'Ryūji', noting down story ideas and drawing small snapshots to better convey my thoughts.

I started with simple ink drawings of wooded areas to get the right atmosphere and built on from there.

The story had been mostly ironed out for my initial pitch, but went through small revisions to make the scenes more dynamic - with a focus on camera placement and building tension.

Concept Animation Tests
Further development to capture the serene feeling of the village before the demon onslaught.

The setting of a mountain village had been in place from the start as it left a lot of room for developing the world around the characters, what their religious practices may be, how they might dress and of course how they interacted with the spirtitual entities around them.

Smaller concept of a village guard
An animatic of the above guard,  testing out a shot that had been storyboarded

Final Concept Work
Finished world building concept pieces, 'Koi pond' and 'Vast Fields'

While this project is near and dear to my heart, it ws unfortuntely scrapped before it could enter the animation stage of development.
My team and I worked heavily on all the preproduction material and moved onto animation tests for story beats and SFX.

This is where the project concluded as we did not have enough hands in the specialised fields required to produce the end product
we had invisioned.

'Ryūji' lives on now through the stunning work produced by each team member and in the fond memories I have of the time we spent
working together.

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'Ryūji' World-building Concepts

'Ryūji' World-building Concepts
