This is my project for Web Based Application Development in 4th semester, This project I create with my friend Kenny Hong. This Project theme was a website for buying games, get information of next games event and new news about games, the name of website was already determined, this project we use Visual Studio Code to design the website.
As you see from the picture, there was Home page of the project, we take the game picture from some games seller services.
This is the library page of our project, we classified the with favorite games and featured games, the photo of the game we take from google, and the price of the game we take from games seller services. 
In news page we give an information about the games, and the story behind from the games was created.
About Us was a story behind how the website was created, we created the story like this website was our ideas.
This was the last page called as payment page , but before we paid the games , we must filled the registration form, we create the form using HTML and JavaScript for form validation.




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