These are posters I created for one of my graphic design classes. After choosing an artist from a list, we needed to create three posters on that artist for a hypothetical museum exhibit, as well as come up with a great theme that told about our artist and their work. All posters had to include specific information, each had a different design focus. 

The artist I chose was Piet Mondrian and I chose the theme Journey to Abstraction.  Mondrian started out painting and drawing realistic landscapes and portraits, but through his life experiences he came to believe that everything should be simple. The work he is more well-known for is his abstract work.
Poster 1: Collage. 
Poster one was collage focused, using only images of the artist's work or of the artist themself. I took a self-portrait painted by Mondrian and added a chrysanthemum, which he had painted in his earlier years, onto his jacket. I filled some of his background squares with color and one of his first pieces (a drawing of a girl). I then added the lines and colored squares to represent his later abstract work.
Poster 2: Typography
Poster two could only use typography. I wanted to showcase some of Mondrian's later work that he is more known for. I used his name and tried to shape it into his colored squares, and then used the other informational text as his black lines. 
Poster 3: Photography
For poster three, only photographs I took myself could be used. We were encouraged to be creative in how we could portray our artist using materials we came up with. I chose to use sidewalk chalk to duplicate his more grid-like later work. Mondrian came to believe that everything could be reduced down to simple lines and basic colors, so I used the road to represent his "journey" and the boxes to represent his abstract style.
Mondrian Posters

Mondrian Posters
