Yvonne Guo's profile

Vectorized Parthenon

Project 1: Vectorized Parthenon 

Final Version
(After color adjustment)
Original Images
When I chose the two original images, I had already decided to focus on the stark visual contrast between them in the final design. From my interpretation, the photo was an embodiment of the new, the exciting, the rebellious, and the exotic, while the painting was all about traditionality, pastoral lifestyles, and intimacy.

The images’ visual characteristics and storytelling made it very interesting to combine them. After reading the article on poor images, however, is when I decided to break apart their original storytelling and isolate the characters from their setting. By vectorizing the woman with a bonnet and a bouquet and cutting her out from the painting, I interrupted her intimate conversation with her companion. Since her connection with the original image was cut off, she is now a “poor image” deviating from its original path, ready to shift into the role I arbitrarily created for her. I then pasted her figure into the vectorized photo, forcing her down a rabbit hole (hence the connection with Alice in Wonderland) and into an unfamiliar environment, where instead of caterpillars, it’s fashionably dressed women smoking the hookah. The hookah photo could be considered a “poor image” as well: figures of the women were kept vectorized to make reference to popular and commercial culture, while objects were returned to their original resolution.

Vectorized Images

​​​​​​​First Version
The whole image was then drastically recolored to emphasize the contrast between the two parts. ​​​​​​​
Vectorized Parthenon

Vectorized Parthenon
