MUSEN Design's profile

Architecture Brand Identity

Tupinikim Arquitetura, Luz e Arte
Porto Alegre / RS - Brazil
July, 2020

The Client
A Brazilian architectural firm that put forward an innovative, modern, and upscale design approach. 

The Objective
Develop an elegant and timeless new brand identity that translates the contemporary style of the firm leading architect.

The Solution
Less is always more when it comes to Rafael Kroth design style. Having that in mind, we wanted to create a brand identity that was simple and sophisticated at the same time. For the wordmark logo, we chose a sans serif minimalist typeface that works very well on small sizes. For the brand colors, the classic combination of black and white, which is neutral and highlights the architectural images. Fine papers and handmade details were selected with the client to add a sense of luxury and uniqueness to the print materials.

Architecture Brand Identity


Architecture Brand Identity
