Amy van Schijndel
For this exercise, we had to make a paper toy for an imaginary company for a made up reason. I came up with a company using this paper toy to raise awareness for endangered animals, to be handed out at places like zoos. The three animals I picked initially were a snow leopard, a rhinoceros and a panda. I decided that a rhino would be too blocky (and my teacher thought so too) and a panda too generic, so i continued on with my leopard.
I started by doing a study of a snow leopard and breaking it down into simple shapes. I didn't want to go too complex as at this stage I was not yet sure how i was going to make my final foldout, so I decided to go for a mix between fully 3d and blocky, as my teacher and classmates warned me that making it too complicated could make it much harder. I also made a name and logo for my imaginary company, Four Eco. I wanted to learn how to simplify things in blender for printing purposes. (both 2d and 3d, as my friend had offered to let me use his 3d-printer)
I made a 3D model of my leopard paper toy and downloaded a plugin to help me fold it out. I had to redraw the entire foldout in Illustrator to which my teacher gave me the feedback that he thought I did well, and he appreciated my dedication. I tried to make a texture in Blender but ultimately gave up and made one in Photoshop. below is prototype.
After i was assured that my paper toy's 'blueprint' worked, i printed and made the definitive version.
I think I did well but I definitely could've simplified it more with similar result. In the future if I do something like this again I should make it much simpler instead of overcomplicating it for myself. I also had to edit the foldout from Blender a lot in Photoshop because the mesh was bad in some places so I'll have to clean up my mesh even more next time. I learned a lot about visualizing things in 3d and using Illustrator though, so I'm happy about that.
Paper Toy

Paper Toy
