Anne-Lise Paris's profile

Lymph Node Topography

O B J E C T I V E :
This illustration should represent the organization of a lymph node with the main cell types. Additionally, this image is destined to depict lymph node composition in an aesthetic way.

R E F E R E N C E S :
C O N C E P T :
The image should represent the different parts of a lymph node in an aesthetic way.
Cells should also be depicted in each part of the lymph node where they are usually present in significant quantity.

S T Y L E :
The style should present a sense of simplicity even if there will be a lot of elements on it.
To translate the idea that the lymph node is a 3D object full of cells, it would be great to present several layers on top of each other.

C O L O R S :

A R T W O R K :
Lymph Node Topography


Lymph Node Topography
