User receives push notification from Minerva when staff have graded and given feedback on an assignment/exam.
Selecting Push Notification sends user to Minerva home page where a new ‘Leeds Grades’ tile can be clicked on and is clearly accessible on the right hand column.
Selecting tile sends user to a break down of marks, ‘on track grade’ and information on what marks are required to achieve a higher final degree. Alert icon pop up is displayed for any unseen (new) marks.
Alert sends user to module grades page. Lecturer feedback pops up automatically at the bottom and a return to ‘Leeds Grade’ option is displayed at the top on the right hand side. (New features – module average, credit weighting, credits left, assignment type/feedback)
Selecting ‘Leeds Grades’ icon returns user back to overall grades page. Icons allow user to download or print grades for offline use. Or email tutor directly from the ‘Leeds Grades’ page to discuss ongoing progress.
Selecting Download presents module results in a A4 pdf. format ready for job applications (CVs) or face-to-face meetings with staff members.


