Angelina Rico's profile

The Heavenly Autumn Virtues

JCCC Sins and Virtues Design Project
My final project for my graphic processes class was to create a newspaper based off of the Seven Deadly Sins or the Seven Heavenly Virtues. The goal of the project was to be able to create a series of seven graphic compositions that successfully communicate what each of the seven virtues or sins are. I decided to go with the Seven Heavenly Virtues along with my theme being fall. Our printed newspaper copies were ordered through the Newspaper Club.

These are the design requirements for each spread:

chastity—photo collage
temperance—typography based design
charity—personal photograph
diligence—personal photograph (duotone)
kindness—found photo with personal handwritten type
humility—constructed personal photograph with the word "humility" included in

Curious about my brainstorming process? Check out my dropmark.
I decided to take my own cover photo for this project. Sins and Virtues are commonly related to angels and devils. In art, I notice the usage of hand posing so I wanted to replicate that for my cover while also incorporating my theme of fall.
My patience spread is also a photograph I had taken myself. Skateboarding and fall fashion are commonly mixed in with one another. I chose skateboarding because it is a hobby of mine that requires a lot of practice and patience in order to master the skill.
My kindness spread is a found photograph with a hand written text that I had to create myself. We tend to associate acts of kindness with gift giving, especially with flowers. I wanted my written text to be small and dainty so it came across as soft and sweet.
This is my humility spread which is also a photo I took and edited myself in photoshop. We associate humiliation with public embarrassment and I wanted to portray that feeling of "wishing you can disappear" with a ghost. If you look close enough, the ghost is see through...
I have included a flipsnack so you are able to view every single one of my spreads. Feel free to click through it.
The Heavenly Autumn Virtues

The Heavenly Autumn Virtues

The Seven Heavenly Virtues portrayed in seven graphic compositions.
