Lynn Dawson Oakes's profile


Baptist Hospital in Jackson knew that many heart attack victims hesitated to seek help when they were having symptoms because they didn't recognize the actual signs of an attack. I created this ad campaign to educate the public and encourage them to never take a 'wait and see' attitude. 
Meet A Grown Man Who Nearly Died From Embarrassment.
“I’ll feel like a fool if I get to the hospital and this chest pain turns out to be nothing!”

In Mississippi alone, that sentiment is responsible for hundreds of unnecessary heart attack deaths each year. The fear of sounding a false alarm, combined with not knowing the early symptoms of heart attack, causes many people to adopt a wait-and-see attitude that can sometimes prove deadly.

The fact is, the early signs of heart attack signal the beginning of damage to a heart muscle that’s being robbed of oxygen. And while these signs may be less dramatic than the severe chest pain most of us associate with heart attacks, they are just as serious.

Seek help quickly if you experience the early signs of heart attack:
        * A dull squeezing pressure or fullness
          that lasts more than two minutes.
        * Pain in the left shoulder, neck or jaw.
        * Heavy sweating or shortness of breath.
        * Dizziness, nausea or fatigue.

Early treatment can make all the difference in how you live the rest of your life. For more information on heart attacks and their symptoms, call us at 968-1234, out of town dial 1-800-738-MBMC.
Last Year, One Killer Attacked A Quarter Of A Million Women Without Being Noticed.
“I couldn’t be having a heart attack. That only happens to men!”

In Mississippi alone, that sentiment is responsible for hundreds of unnecessary heart attack deaths each year. Heart attack is the leading killer of women in the United States, causing ten times as many deaths as breast cancer. Yet most people still think of it as a man’s problem. As a result, many women fail to recognize heart attack symptoms when they first strike – causing them to put off getting the medical attention that could save their lives.

The fact is, the early signs of heart attack signal the beginning of damage to a heart muscle that’s being robbed of oxygen. These signs may be less dramatic than the severe chest pain most of us associate with heart attacks, but they are just as serious.

Seek help quickly if you experience the early signs of heart attack:
        * A dull squeezing pressure or fullness
          that lasts more than two minutes.
        * Pain in the left shoulder, neck or jaw.
        * Heavy sweating or shortness of breath.
        * Dizziness, nausea or fatigue.

Early treatment can make all the difference in how you live the rest of your life. For more information on heart attacks and their symptoms, call us at 968-1234, out of town dial 1-800-738-MBMC.


