Ethan Cowie's profile

ILL 301.2 Photography within editorial design (Redo)

ILL 301.2 Photography within editorial design

Project brief 
This project is a campaign to promote safe sex. Using photography image-making medium a poster, WeTransfer background and a deliverable of any choice (which is a PlayStation game cover in this case). This project aims to influence the minds of the target market to practise safe sex.

1. Process work and research
A digital file containing all personal research, as well as any concepts and visual explorations, illustrations, layout alternatives, colour options etc and plagiarism form. You must photograph,
screenshot or scan your process work and compile it into ONE PDF, smallest file size at which text can be read. No folders of random pics and absolutely no open files.

2. Collateral
1 x digital poster at 72dpi, (1414 x 2000px), sRGB, jpeg
1 x WeTransfer background — Introduce animation! It need not be complex to be effective. Consider
cursor design and simple animation that will drive your message. Design to spec (1040px max with
20px padding) and save as appropriate format.
1 x up-to-you deliverable, presented in a format that is fitting (digital mock-up, IRL mock-up, apt file)
1 x vertical narrative for presentation — Keep it simple. Introduce your campaign concept, showcase
your collateral flat and mocked-up i.e. poster in a real-world context, background on WeTransfer
screen (possibly on laptop, comp), third deliverable in a digital or physical space.

Design Strategy
This sex campaign strategy promotes safe sex to avoid all the dilemmas we find with having unprotected sex. This campaign aims to convey the desirable factors of using condoms over the pulling out method which is used frequently by the teenage and young adult demographic. The campaign provides the aesthetic of gaming through the representation of safe sex to appeal to the target audience. Call of Duty Mobile and FIFA 18 are used to convey these messages. It starts off with a Call of Duty Mobile themed A3 poster conveying the appealing factors of condoms and that they should always be used when having safe sex. This is followed by a WeTransfer background with a FIFA match setup, selecting either the condom team that is "READY" or being "DENIED" by the pull out team. Lastly, it finishes off with paper based third deliverable where the very well received message can be conveys on shopping bags, envelopes, book covers .etc. .


The typography is used subtly throughout all components and used in uppercase to emphasise each part and link to the feel of each PlayStation game. 

Colour Palette

The colour palette is inspired by the two PlayStation games, FIFA 18 and Call of Duty Mobile where FIFA 18 has a blue overlay with other blues included and colours such as green, yellow, black and white. Call of Duty Mobile has a green overlay with other greens included and colours such as brown, yellow, black and white.  

A3 Poster

Call of Duty Mobile is used mainly by online players on mobile devices such as computers and cellphones as opposed to PlayStation consoles. Therefore, the poster is user friendly for mobile device sizes.

WeTransfer Background gif

This gif represents the visuals of FIFA 18 when selecting your teams to play a game. In this gif there are two teams that are shown which is the condom team and the pull out team with statistics , categories and badges to represent them. When selected the condom team is ready and the pull out team is denied. Right at the end #DONTPLAYTHEPULLOUTGAME appears on the bottom.

WeTransfer background:
This background is clear and bright showing the colours conveyed in FIFA and represented on computers and cellphones.
Paper envelope, book cover .etc:
After having a safe sex campaign on gaming (two PlayStation games) the third deliverable conveys quotes being repeated, "No pullout game" indicating we must not play the pull out game. Rather take a condom, not risks links to the risky nature of the pullout game.

ILL 301.2 Photography within editorial design (Redo)


ILL 301.2 Photography within editorial design (Redo)
