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Dominic Carter | Myths of Being a Journalist

Dominic Carter | The Top Myths of Being a Journalist

Journalism is one of the respected and well-paying careers worldwide. The industry has created jobs for thousands of people and keeps on emerging with new opportunities every day. Also, it contributes to the economy of any nation with its funds and income. And yet, it is not an easy industry to go into. The industry is tough, and a few things make it even harder: Myths being one of them. Below are top myths of being a journalist:

Journalism is All Word and no Play
People assume that a journalist lives a tragic life and is all work and no play. Yes, the profession might be a little tough, but it doesn’t mean that there is no fun in it. In fact, journalists get to travel a lot and go to parties and other social events where they get to meet important people from different walks of life. One can have a lot of fun as a journalist; they need to know how to balance their work and personal life.

Journalism is a Dying Profession
This is one of the biggest myths about journalists. The profession is becoming more and more popular in recent times both in America and worldwide. Many people dream of becoming a journalist, so it’s not dying. This industry has evolved a lot, and many new advancements have been made. And the future of journalism also looks bright.
Dominic Carter | Myths of Being a Journalist

Dominic Carter | Myths of Being a Journalist


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