Chloe Parkes's profile

College Project 3: Experimental Type

Project 3: Experimental Type
Within this project looked at traditional typographic practices, explored found type and experimented with creating our own type using found objects and creative processes.
Found Typography
Our first task to look for found type in our environments, both existing type and also found objects that looked like letters, from which we would construct the entire alphabet. 
For my existing type I chose to look at examples of old hand made lettering and signs, as a signwriter myself I am always on the look out for these kinds of signs. 
My found object alphabet is constructed from tools that I use in my many artistic pursuits.  
Typography Research
For my typeface research I chose to look at the font 'Rockwell'. I chose Rockwell as I'm a big fan of slab serifs font generally, and this is a frequent go to font for me. 
Rockwell Experiments
As Rockwell is such a blocky slab type I decided to try out constructing some of these letter using crafts that lend them selves well to block and grid type patterns, these being weaving and knitting.  
Further Experiments
I wanted to try making some letterforms that were more experimental than just imitating a typeface. So I decided to start with the basic shapes: Circle , Rectangle and Triangle and see what forms I could create with these. 

As I seemed to have developed an overall craft theme with my experiments here I was keen to add another, and tried out some hand and machine embroidery.
Final Type
For my final experiment I decide to attempt combing two previous experiments. I took the same abstract letter forms I found with the shapes, but cut them from felt, and worked further into these forms with the machine embroidery techniques to reinforce the letters that the shape compositions corresponded to and add an additional layer of interest.
I then took these forms and imagined where I might find them as a real world application. I decided to created mock ups using this type as branding for a modern craft exhibition. 
College Project 3: Experimental Type


College Project 3: Experimental Type
