2014 Underwater Calendar

Cover - 2014 Calendar.  M/V Vision off of San Simeon, California
California Gray Whales feeding in the Santa Barbara channel
Fringehead Blenny, San Miguel Island, California
Brittlestar on top of a Bluespot Star.  Santa Cruz Island, California
Lions Mane nudibranch, Big Sur coast, California
Kelp, Big Sur Coast, California
French Angelfish, Cozumel, Mexico
White anemone, a Metridea, off the Big Sur coast. 
Sargassum Triggerfish (Xanthichthys ringens) Cozumel, Mexico
White Nudibranch (Tritonia festiva)  in amongst branches of a red gorgonian off Santa Cruz Island.
This Painted Greenling (Oxylebius pictus) appears dull in the water but its vivid colors bloom when well-lit.  The Greenling is hunting above a nest of Brittlestars.
When I spotted this Tube Sponge formation off Cozumel, Mexico, I knew it would be my Halloween calendar image.  The natural imitating the supernatural -  pretty spooky!
Land Iguanas are well worth taking some trouble to see eye to eye.  This large specimen allowed me to crawl within 2 meters to photograph it in the lush greenery of Cozumel Island.
2014 Underwater Calendar

2014 Underwater Calendar

The 2014 Underwater Calendar is the 18th edition of this project. All images were obtained between 1 October 2012 and 30 September, 2013.
