Sara Davì's profile

First Things First Manifesto

First Things First manifesto 

The aim of this project was to create a booklet that, following a concept, would organize three given texts: First Things First 1964 manifesto, First Things First reformulated in 2000, and First Things First Revisited (an essay that explains the content of the 1964 manifesto). The booklet had to be designed using a single font in a single weight.

The manifesto underlines the responsibility of graphic design to deal with issues useful to society and not just with consumer products,  so it was decided to use the Swiss Style as a reference, since it focuses on rational and objective graphic messages, also in the fifties the communication of Swiss cultural institutions, political posters, road signs, and public service announcements were produced following this style. An asymmetrical layout was therefore chosen, maintaining the same alignment, simple but visually impacting. The font used is Aperçu medium.

Politecnico di Milano
Course Typographic Design
Prof. M. Bernstein, D. Mottes
AY 2018/2019

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First Things First Manifesto

First Things First Manifesto

The aim of this university project was to create a booklet that, following a concept, would organize three given texts: First Things First 1964 m Read More
