4HER - Modern contraceptives - LIFE Center (2021)

4HER - Raising awareness of modern contraceptives (2021)
Client: LIFE Centre (https://life-vietnam.org)
Co-creators: Ha Xuan Uyen, Ngo Bao Quyen, Nguyen Quang Thuc, Nguyen Tien Hoang.

4HER was a University project conducted in response to the design brief from LIFE Center, aimed to improve the wellbeing of female factory workers in less advantaged regions, particularly in the awareness of modern contraceptives.

The project faced many difficulties as it fell in the most intense lockdown period of HCMC in July-October 2021. Through many ups and downs in three months, the final deliverables include an educative video and a printed flipchart.

The products have been practically used in training sessions in factories LIFE Centre collaborates with.
A complete description of the project can be found at our Wiki page: https://4her-project-rmitxlife.fandom.com/wiki/4HER_Project_-_RMITxLIFE_Wiki
A streamlined description of the project - presented in the last pitch with the client and supervisor, is as below.
Educative video - Modern contraceptive methods
Flipchart - Modern contraceptive methods
Working with fellow design students, I contributed by utilizing my scriptwriting, storyboard drawing, 3D modeling and animating, vector animating, and video editing skill in this project.

The project is developed for the Design Management course (July - Sept 2021), Bachelor of Design Studies, RMIT University of Vietnam.

The project’s assets were developed using Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effect, Premiere Pro, and 3D Blender.
Thank you for reading!
HCMC, Vietnam
September 2021
4HER - Modern contraceptives - LIFE Center (2021)

4HER - Modern contraceptives - LIFE Center (2021)

4HER was a University project conducted in response to the design brief from LIFE Center, aimed to improve the wellbeing of female factory worker Read More
