Becca Woo's profile

LangLui-Learn: A Vocabulary Learning App

LangLui-Learn: A Second Language Vocabulary Learning App
All graphics for this project were created through
User Research Example
User Research Results
Learning vocabulary, especially for second languages, can be really difficult. Upon doing some user research, I found that many people had trouble learning vocabulary if they didn't use it regularly. Applying those words to their lives is also hard without motivation, and it’s easy to lose that motivation. For my own app, I wanted to implement a way to include their goals for learning the vocabulary and a way to update them. I also wanted to include ways to practice those vocabulary words that aren’t just quizzing or depend on rote memory - for example, ways to use those words, draw them, or even practice using the words in different contexts.
User Persona
Photo used: Sayuri (Jpop musician)
User Stories
As Sayuri, I want to view all of the words I want to learn as well as see any words I have already learned so that I can keep track of the words that I want to practice.

As Sayuri, I want to read the Japanese definitions of the English words so that I can understand the definitions in my native language. 

As Sayuri, I want to set reminders so that I spend half of my commute each day reviewing the new words that I’ve learned so that they get committed to my memory. This is so I can make learning English words a habit, which will make the learning process easier.

As Sayuri, I want to categorize the words I’m learning with two different category types (formal/colloquial as well as the parts of speech) so that I can search for the type of word I want, depending on the situation. This is so that I can learn the proper usage and the grammar, along with associating the word to the type of situation I can use it in. 

As Sayuri, I want a medium that is easy to read and has immediate feedback so that I feel more confident to use the words I’ve learned with actual English speakers. This is so that I can overcome my fear of using English vocabulary incorrectly with English speakers.
Information Architecture: Global Navigation
Hand Drawn Mock-ups
Low-Fidelity Wireframes
Mid-Fidelity Wireframes
High-Fidelity Wireframes
Working Prototype!
The name "LangLui-Learn" comes from a silly pun I came up with one late night. 

Learning vocabulary for a non-native language is the main goal of the app. It was originally called "Flexible Vocabulary," but I wasn't a big fan of that. I was playing around with the idea of using Language and Learning.
One night, I had the random thought that in my cultural language Cantonese, "Lang Lui" is the term for pretty girl. I thought it was kind of silly, and decided that "Lang" in the title would double as a truncated "Language" as well as the "Lang" from pretty girl. This is also why the graphics are all of a "pretty girl". 
LangLui-Learn: A Vocabulary Learning App

LangLui-Learn: A Vocabulary Learning App
