Alan Wright's profile

Sour Sally Portrait

Sour Sally Portrait
One of my hobbies is Dungeons and Dragons. As one of my group's Dungeon Masters, I like to go the extra mile by illustrating custom portraits for monsters and villains. This portrait in particular is for a character named Sour Sally, a villainous undead witch who uses a town's graveyard as a means of building an army of undead.
The first thing I do when I began designing a character is I start creating some rough sketches. In this case, I was happy enough with the first rough sketch to act as my starting point.
Using the rough sketch as a reference, I further developed Sally's appearance: adding hair, detailing her hood, and making her face look rotted.
For the finishing touches, I threw the image into Adobe Illustrator to add color and texture. When I showed my players the final image they said it was creepy-looking, which is probably the best compliment I think they could've given.
Sour Sally Portrait

Sour Sally Portrait
