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National Parks Guide: Booklet Design

National Parks Booklet Design
This booklet was created for a Typography course. I chose to make a design highlighting some of the top National Parks in the American West. I used Illustrator to create the background image on the booklet's cover, and used InDesign for everything else.
Front Cover
I created the cover by posterizing and recoloring a vintage photograph of El Capitan, one of the most famous features of Yosemite National Park. The original photograph and my digital recreation are shown below. I greatly decreased the saturation of my original design on the actual booklet to make the text easier to read. 
Original Photograph of El Capitan:
Yosemite Spread
Zion Spread
Grand Canyon Spread
Front and Back Cover
All images and text content are from: and
Mockups created by Mockups Design:
National Parks Guide: Booklet Design

National Parks Guide: Booklet Design
