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Illustrations: Intro to Encryption and Cryptography

Illustrations: Introduction to Encryption and Cryptography
Raspberry Pi Foundation (RPF) was creating a new learning course for the Future Learn platform; Introduction to Encryption and Cryptography. They already had the learning materials but needed illustrations and creative assets to assist with explaining the content.

I was commissioned to design and create a list of desired assets for the various sections of the course. I would also be working with a freelance animator as over half of the assets would be animated. 

For the development of these assets, I consumed as much information on encryption and cryptography as I could to help ensure the illustrations were designed correctly.

I was able to work closely with the mathematicians that helped write the content for the course, they were particularly helpful with the quantum cryptography section.

Raspberry Pi has a unique illustration style that I wasn't creatively required to imitate. But before working on the assets list, I produced the above character style test to show the illustration I'd work with. The style was approved.
This bingo robot illustration was used to help explain key generation algorithm.
I produced these series of illustrations of historical characters for the history of encryption section of the course.
1. This scene demonstrates an Ancient Egyptian substituting symbol for hieroglyphs to send secret messages.
2+3. These scenes show how Roman Emperor Julius Caesar used the Caesar Cipher to encrypt his messages to send military secrets to his armies.
4. This is a scene of the Arabic mathematician Al-Kindi breaking the Caesar Cipher using "frequency analysis".
5. This scene shows modern-day people still using Caesar Cipher to send secret romantic messages via the public sections of newspapers.
Here are some of diagrams I produced, a recreation of the circuit diagram for the Enigma Machine and Caesar Cipher explainers.
These are the assets designed for an animated diagram helping explain how asymmetric encryption works. And a computer network diagram.
Here is a diagram explaining the concept of a Web of Trust as a system to establish authenticity between users online.
These are some of the storyboard I sketched for character focused scenes that would be animated by another freelancer. The client did provide rough mock-ups for these scenes, so that I had understanding on the content that was being shared.
This scene demonstrates a user's sensitive information being sent to a server but intercepted by a hacker.
This is the animated version produced from the assets and storyboard.
An illustrated scene demonstrating asymmetrical encryption with the use of public and private keys.
This is the animated version produced from the assets and storyboard.
These were the explainer assets I made for the quantum cryptography section of the course, explaining qubits and polarisation.
This scene was designed to demonstrate how the principles of quantum mechanics is used to encrypt data and transmit to ensure it cannot be hacked.
These is the animated version produced from the assets and storyboard.
This is a collection of the character heads I created throughout illustrating this course.
Thank you for coming.

Illustrations: Intro to Encryption and Cryptography


Illustrations: Intro to Encryption and Cryptography
