Rubix Studio's profileJeremie Awolou's profile


Visual identity, packaging, 3D renders

Calma is an in-house project we developed about CBD oil. CBD oil is an essence obtained by extracting cannabidiol from the flower of the cannabis plant. It is a daily companion for those who suffer from anxiety, stress, chronic diseases and sleep disorders. 
We have created and developed a colorful visual identity system to express the brand's personality and facilitate its recognition. Calma offers a range of CBD oils in various concentrations, ideal for those who want to try it and for those who already feel confident.
The name emphasizes the feeling of peace and calm that comes with using CBD oil. The packaging highlights the different concentrations that the brand offers, both with the color and with a clear mention of the concentration: green being the most attenuated and yellow the most concentrated.
Keep calm and live your life.

Concept: Rubix Studio
Designer, Art Director & 3D Artist: Jérémie Awolou



Calma is an in-house project we developed about CBD oil. CBD oil is an essence obtained by extracting cannabidiol from the flower of the cannabis Read More
