Sebastian Gernhardt's profile


reform the platform    - part 1 -

The reserves of fossil fuels are limited. The progressive shrinking oil reserves is is a hot topic worldwide. According to "campbell estimates" ( the annual oil production is going to reduce by 70% until 2050. On the other hand there is a growing demand for fossil fuels in the emerging economies of China and India. Besides Russia and the Middle East, no industrialized country has significant oil reserves to offer. The U.S. is desperately looking for a safe way to exploit the oil resources in the protected areas of Alaska. Over the next 30 years half the world's rigs will have reached the limit of their efficiency. But what happens to all these platforms? Since the OSAP Convention in 1998, the sinking of platforms in the sea has been prohibited. Since then, the industry is facing a huge financial burden in the removal and disposal of unused oil rigs.

amount of oil pumped per year

If the oil rigs may not be sunken and the reduction of said rig is too expensive, what happens then? Do they just stay in place? Industrial ruins in the ocean? Well, maybe they are taken back in possession by mother nature? As a nesting site for seabirds, for example. A whole new eco-system even? Time will tell. And what opportunities are offered by an offshore platform for the people? Substantial infrastructure already exists. Therefore a conversion can be realized even with limited funds. Platforms could be partially restore by adventurers, individualists or refugees. With a higher budget oil rigs can be converted into high-class hotels, offshore banking, casinos, nautical adventure resorts, or even serve as a high security prison. Since the oil rigs are mostly in a right neutral territory, this may also attract criminal organizations. It would not be surprising if some pirates occupy platforms to hijack ships and yachts from there or build illegal server farms. It would even be possible to proclaim  an independent state on an oil rig.

At the shore of each coast a 12-mile zone delineates the general territorial waters of each country. In addition, there is a connection zone of a further 12 nautical miles. After that the exclusive economic zone begins. It extends to 200 nautical miles (370.4 km) offshore. In this zone, an adjacent state can only have the natural resources and has no jurisdiction over any platforms or islands.

coral rig (semi-serious)
pirate rig (semi-serious)

Not every rig is suitable for reuse. I have therefore focused on fixed platforms. Unlike lifting platforms and drilling ships, they meet the required design and structural requirements, which makes a multi-storey building on the existing structure. Fixed platforms also require no additional moorings and can ensure stability also in deeper waters. Moreover, the fixed platform is simply the most common typology. The ideal situation is subject to various factors. Thus, the platform should not be located in stormy areas or too close to the polar circles. Mostly to not compromise the residents unnecessarily and to ensure reasonable climatic conditions. Also, a certain maximum distance from the mainland must not be exceeded in order to keep the supply routes as short as possible and to emergency situations quickly accessible. Favoring this factor is that the offshore oil and gas reserves are virtually exhausted and the respective platforms are shed first. The industry moves further into deeper waters. So you can start to reuse the ones, closer to the shore. Another criterion is that the platfrom should be able to supply itself with local resources (power, food). Particularly suitable platforms seem to be located at the East Coast’s of Australia and the U.S., as well as at the north-western coast of Africa (see illustrations).

The industry itself can rerun the platforms. It’s as simple as that. The old giants, fossile power monsters of the past will produce clean, renewable energy for tomorrow!
A research center for renewable energy in a self-sustaining ecosystem is the perfect use. The station houses not only the infrastructure and production of energy and food for about 100 residents, but also has different scientific departments, such as Biologie, Geologie, Meterology and many more. This community will even be able to supply the main land constantly. In addition to the Group's internal research on renewable energy sources, there could also be cooperations with universities and conservation organizations. With the support of these institutions the station will run multiple laboratories, research and seminar rooms. Thanks to a submarine research facility the scientists will be able to study the ocean locally, under unique conditions. A semester at the oil rig - "Science meets Industry". The station will serve as a prototype. As a prototype of a dialogue between business and science and education. Hopefully as a prototype for a new way of thinking in energy production, as well as the efficient use of energy in the future.

... to be continued

coming soon
- part 2 -