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Ruby on Rails MVC Framework

Ruby on Rails MVC Framework

The Model View Controller standard partitions crafted by an application into three independent yet intently helpful subsystems.

Model (ActiveRecord )

It keeps up with the connection between the objects and the information base and handles approval, affiliation, exchanges, and then some.
This subsystem is executed in Active Record library, which gives a point of interaction and restricting between the tables in a social data set and the Ruby program code that controls information base records. Ruby strategy names are naturally produced from the field names of information base tables.

View ( ActionView )

It is a show of information in a specific configuration, set off by a regulator's choice to introduce the information. They are script-based layout frameworks like JSP, ASP, PHP, and exceptionally simple to incorporate with AJAX innovation.
This subsystem is carried out in ActionView library, which is an Embedded Ruby (ERb) based framework for characterizing show layouts for information show. Each Web association with a Rails application brings about the showing of a view.

Controller ( ActionController )

The facility inside the application that directs traffic, from one perspective, questioning the models for explicit information, and then again, putting together that information (looking, arranging, informing it) into a structure that fits the necessities of a given view.
This subsystem is carried out in Action Controller, which is an information representative sitting between Active Record (the data set interface) and Action View (the presentation engine).

Pictorial Representation of MVC Framework

Given below is a pictorial representation of Ruby on Rails Framework-
Ruby on Rails MVC Framework

Ruby on Rails MVC Framework


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